Yes wotlk servers pop will take a hit but I think there will still be enough players to sustain a healthy server. Another one coming up sometime this year is RevelationWow, which looks really good. Tried Chromiecraft (wotlk) and would have stuck with it but as a healer I couldn't roll need on things like cloth healing gear because I was a druid, which is a dumb decision for vanilla content, where they're at now.

But I am finding groups if I'm patient enough! The only thing I can come close to recommending currently is Turtle Wow, though it's low population (600ish max) can be harder to find groups on. Both of these are longer term options unless you want a quick fresh fix (Kronos or Darrowshire). I'd pick something like Turtle Wow, whose pop is slowing growing and who are doing vanilla+ content additions all the time or one of the wotlk clients starting with vanilla content and slowly progressing. Even long-term companies like Kronos have more or less seasonable fresh servers where population is lowish to begin with and really goes down once content is boring.

Pservers have no real long-term investment. Unless Blizz changes its current meta, a lot of people will be unhappy with it and turn to pservers or other games. I think Classic Era will see a lot lower turnout than Classic, which makes me think that private server vanilla populations have grown somewhat, with the newer fresh servers being offered now.Īs far as Wotlk, it just remains to be seen. So a lot of people are still pissed about Blizz's treatment of their employees, but a lot of us are also refusing to go back to a bot-filled, gold-seller, boosted game that was not like vanilla at all. Oh and If that wasn't enough, they're now actively developing a realm that'll have 21 unique additional classes (it's currently in alpha) called Conquest of Azeroth.Īccording to yesterday, 20% of Activision Blizzard shares have dropped in the last two months, but that includes all their games. As someone who used to play WoW retail on and off over the years, I got no interest in playing all those "x1 blizzlike tbc/wotlk/cata 100% true experience" servers.I've seen and done it all on retail already Hence why this server was a pleasant breath of fresh air for me (and I've seen this sentiment echoed quite a lot) with all its customized content and systems. Unlike the previous Recruit a Friend program, the current Recruit a Friend program does not enable bonus experience and does not allow granting levels to your seeing what kind of dumpster fire became of Classic (and Classic TBC), I hope people will finally open their eyes instead of giving in to Blizzard's easy fix of nostalgia.ġ - I don't think it'll be that "big", nor will it really impact population on private servers.since some of them have been around for a long while now, and I don't know if people would be willing to pay a monthly sub only to start over again and having to deal with the extreme elitism, absolutely effed economy and whatever Blizzard will decide to implement/eff up (probably the Token or some other crap) Ģ - The answer is probably "Whatever expansion you enjoyed the most".or, if you didn't play WoW, the one that catches your interest more Having said that.if I had to suggest an expansion to a new player, I'd probably go with MoP: The questlines are pretty cool, the zones are amazing imo and class design was overall at its best ģ - I'm personally having a blast on Project Ascension.
Note: Players who were recruited prior to the release of the Shadowlands pre-expansion patch are not eligible for the Extra-Spacious Knapsack. Characters that existed before accepting the Recruit-a-Friend invitation will receive the Knapsack in their mailbox after reaching level 50.Characters created after accepting the Recruit-a-Friend invitation and that choose to level in Exile's Reach will be able to claim the Knapsack after leaving Exile’s Reach, since there are no mailboxes in Exile's Reach.Recruits receive an Extra-Spacious Knapsack (30 slot backpack) which can be claimed from the character's mailbox. To summon your friend, invite your friend to a party, then right-click their character portrait and select Summon Friend. This includes Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Goblin, Worgen, and Pandaren characters still in their starting zone, and any character in the Exile's Reach. You cannot summon a character that has not yet completed their starting zone quest lines.You cannot summon a character that is above level 49.You can summon a friend who plays on your same realm and faction once every 30 minutes, with the following restrictions:
For information on how to link accounts, visit our Recruit A Friend article.