Microtransaction services were halted on October 31st, 2021 the IDOLA Points service ended in December 2021 and the IDOLA Points Shop in Phantasy Star Online 2 ended service on January 13th.
The final update added the last two units to the game: Victoria, and Farley (Assassin). The Japanese version of the game officially went out of service on January 13th, 2022, soon after the game's 3rd Anniversary Event. The final installment of R was posted on October 26th, 2021. There is also a comedy web manga known as Yuru Idola, initially created to promote the game before spinning off into a second season called Yuru Idola R.

Popona would later go on to promote Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis. On October 25th, 2021, the 116th and final episode of "IDOLA Channel" was uploaded. The game has an official YouTube channel, starring the game's very own Virtual YouTuber, Popona note who precedes her in-game counterpart, who hosted "IDOLA Channel", a video uploaded every two weeks at 11AM JST Monday and presents information on upcoming character releases and events in the game. The Aries Knights set out to save Vandor from the misuse of Idola once again, accompanied by a mysterious "Warrior" who suddenly arrives from the stars, and a defector from Canceed named Giselle.

Canceed launches an aggressive campaign to resurrect a Dark Falz of their own by kidnapping and brainwashing Zodiates across Leonis. The newfound peace of the Kingdom of Leonis is shattered when it is suddenly attacked by the Duchy of Canceed: a country from the north with the technology to mass-produce Idola.

To get back to Yrsa though this helps explain her particularly emphatic but largely unexplored attachment to Ludin, and his similarly understated but intense devotion to her. A teen-aged Ludin helps make sense of his peculiarly grating personality which owes a lot to not taking seriously the military knowledge (and sometimes the political insights) of the Varl seriously, whom he really should recognize probably know better on account of their LONG experience. A prince in warrior society could certainly be expected to take on the sort of diplomatic and military powers and responsibilities assigned to Ludin. Yrsa is Ludin's MotherTo be sure she looks a little young, but if she had Ludin when she was 16 she could be in her late 30s with Ludin in his late teens at the time of the game.